
Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.


1. Unexplained persistent anxiety or restlessness after experiencing an event which has no ordinary explanation.

2. A strong fearful reaction when confronted with objects, pictures, stories, films, etc. which are associated with close extraterrestrial (ET) encounters.

3. Persistent insomnia after a highly unusual event, and/or nightmares with themes of UFOs, ETs, or close encounters.

4. Repeated daytime thinking about, or daydreaming about, or extremely vivid "dreams" about UFOs, ETs, or close encounters.

5. Compulsive behavior concerning UFOs or ETs, such as voluminous reading of any and everything available on UFOs.

6. Unexplained moodiness or irritability after an anomalous UFO-related incident.

7. Body symptoms or marks characteristic of a close extraterrestrial encounter.

8. Experiencing an unexplained substantial period of missing time following an anomalous incident.

9. Having sudden onset of feelings of social unordinariness.

10. Experiencing a new cosmic awareness and perspective, which frequently breaks into one's daily thinking.

11. Suddenly feeling an affinity for the personal ET-encounter experiencers one sees or reads about, or feeling an attraction to extraterrestrials as somehow familiar.

12. Having the sense of having received telepathic messages from the ETs, or repeatedly receiving gifted intuitions.

13. Having a sense of sharing the space in one's mind with an extraterrestrial.

14. Noticing the beginning of psychic ability, or, if already psychic, noticing a marked increase in psychic abilities.

15. Feeling attracted to a spirituality or religious practice which is based on the in-dwelling of the Supreme Source in all Nature, and, as a result, the importance of reverencing all life-forms as related to you.

16. Having a longing for that extraterrestrial individual with whom a person has feels s/he has somehow had contact previously.

17. Having an obsessive sense of mission, whether clearly understood, vague, or mostly repressed into unconscious mind, (acquired during a close encounter).

18. Having a strong "pull" to travel to a specific area, either with an intuition that a close encounter is impending, or for an unknown reason, (which turns out to be a close encounter.)

19. Having a sense of partial extraterrestrial heritage, either by reason of sharing an extraterrestrial perspective on the earth situation, or having partial shared genetic heritage with certain extraterrestrials, or having somehow had an extraterrestrial as one biological parent, or having a sense of having been born elsewhere.

20. Having a sense that one's destiny is with the ETs elsewhere in the galaxy, or a "pull" to go to one's final home, which is an extraterrestrial planet one was shown by the ETs.

(c) 1993 Sacramento, CA USA

Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC, Post Office Box 22310, Sacramento,
California 95822, United States of America. Phone: (916) 422-9000 (PDT)
E-mail: drboylan@sbcglobal.net WEBSITE: http://www.drboylan.com
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Dr. Richard Boylan is a behavioral scientist, university instructor, certified
clinical hypnotherapist, and researcher into extraterrestrial-human encounters.